
In the year 2000, I attended a series of lectures on Eastern Philosophy and had my eyes opened to the idea that humans can just ‘be’, instead of always feeling that we must ‘do’. I realized then that everything in nature is connected and united for the greater good. Ever since, I have sought to live in harmony with the natural world wherever possible and embraced organic food and medicines. I used homeopathy during my first pregnancy shortly afterwards and have been prescribing homeopathy acutely for family and friends ever since. 

I follow the food philosophies of Christine Bailey and Patrick Holford and have completed the Discovering Nutrition for Health Course by the International College of Regenerative Health.


Homeopathy differs from western medicine (allopathy) because it treats the person rather than the disease.  Remedies are made from animal, vegetable and mineral energies and stimulate the body’s own vital force to rid itself of any ‘toxicity’, be that something physical, mental/emotional or spiritual. Homeopathy is safe for everybody and will not interfere with the beneficial effects of conventional medication.


I work with Weleda, who for over 100 years have been promoting ethical business and a holistic approach to wellbeing. I encourage others to benefit from the bounty nature has to offer by using natural health & beauty products produced sustainably and organically. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about Weleda’s products and receive a free one-to-one skin consultation.

Through Weleda I have become a Cytoplan practitioner, recommending appropriate food based supplements to my patients.  Studying the work of one of Weleda’s founders, Rudolph Steiner, has helped me understand more about anthroposophy and spiritual health.